Thursday, October 2, 2008

Secret food cures wilen acne

« ...Aloe vera is a great natural herb to have. It contains tons of beneficial nutrients that can help maintain the health of your skin. Aloe vera also has the ability to accelerate the healing process of your skin so your acne can heal faster....
...Modern acne treatments clearly have a lower percentage but it is important to understand what you are putting on your skin. Benzoyl peroxide sheds the top layer of the skin while cleaning out clogged pores. Removing the top layer of skin will actually heighten redness and chances of infection....»
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«...Many teenagers who suufer from this condition also suffer from some loss of self confidence as they see the invasion of their bodies by these strangers. Acne vulgaris can be on the face, chest and back. While the chest and back can be covered, the face obviously can't be without raising questions. Combine the redness usually associated with the pimples and you get a very interesting picture that can discourage many a strong heart....»
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tags: onions bad for acne, klaron lotion acne, effective acne medication according to dermatologist

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