Sunday, September 28, 2008

Placecol adult acne skin treatments

« ...It is often difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of most types of acne, back acne is no different. What is known is that irritation can make it worse. If acne is showing up more persistent in certain parts of your body, such as your back, perhaps it has to do with certain clothing or maybe a backpack. Tight fitting clothing contributes to promoting acne, by trapping sweat against the skin and clogging pores. Sometimes back acne is just caused by a hormone unbalance or poor diet....
...As there is no proven fixed diet for acne sufferers but yes, there are a few things that should be strictly avoided to get rid of acne forever. Like do not go for milk products and oily and fatty foods in excess, instead replace them with fresh juicy and seasonal fruits containing a lot fiber in them and drink as much filtered water as you can. Juices with preservatives in them should be avoided as fresh fruits are a much better option....»
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«...Newer isn't necessarily better, and with acne treatment companies trying to make as much money as possible by advertising products that are a 'cure for acne', a lot of natural remedies are being overshadowed. Just because an acne product is advertised every day on TV, doesn't necessarily mean it works. Look into some of the natural remedies that nature has to offer you, you may be quite surprised how effective some of them are....»
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tags: adult acne related to stress, the best over the counter acne medication, free tips for homemade acne care

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