Monday, August 4, 2008

Face masks for acne relief and cetaphil lotion acne review

This affliction affects those areas of skin where the sebaceous follicles are the most active. These areas are the face, chest, and the back. If you are wondering why teenagers get zits more than others, it is because in this phase of life the levels of the male hormone testosterone are usually high. As a result acne gets triggered. Over time as the body creates a natural balance of hormones, the acne also decreases and eventually disappears. But how long will it take for the pimples to go away forever, no one knows. Sometimes it can disappear in a few weeks and sometimes it can take forever.
Eat proper servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Being full of nutrients, fresh fruit and vegetables are necessary for healthy skin. They can boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They help get rid of the acne. If you value your face, stay away from oily foods and junk foods because they cause acne breakouts. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin.
1.Vitamin E - You can break the vitamin E capsule and apply the oil directly to the affected area. Another way is to take it orally. Vitamin E helps in cell renewal and many people have used this method with success.
tags: what causes acne around the mouth, natural treatment for women's cystic acne, acne scar treatment at about .com

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